3.5 Million Unfilled Cybersecurity Jobs Globally by 2022

For years, experts have recommended cybersecurity as a future career choice, arguing that there will always be a strong demand. It seems that this advice was correct, as estimates now indicate that there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs around the world by 2022. The Original Estimate Regarding Cybersecurity Jobs A [...]


Cybersecurity Analysts Rank First on the List of Fastest-Growing IT Salaries

It is no secret that there is high demand for those who work in cybersecurity. It is one of the industries positively affected by the pandemic, as the rise in working remotely led to an increased need for cybersecurity. The demand for cybersecurity professionals means that despite jobs in other industries being [...]


Cybersecurity Industry Experiences Pressing Demand

One of the lasting effects of the pandemic was the increase in demand for positions in the cybersecurity industry. This is a natural effect of more people using the technology to work remotely, as well as the security risks that come with it. But it is not the only factor. Reasons for [...]

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