With each generation, the workforce is compelled to adapt to the members in that generation and adjusting to Millennials can be a big order. With job-hopping becoming the norm for the average twenty something, companies need to learn how to attract this youngest group of candidates.
In 2020, Millennials will account for more than half of the United States workforce. Since this generation is larger in size than the Baby Boomer generation, attracting millennials has become a primary focus for companies looking to invest in young, growing teams. However, many in the industry are realizing that this younger group of workers have very different attitudes about work than previous generations and finding the right way to acquire this talent, requires a change in recruiting practices.
Obviously, this generation is very technology dependent. Companies will undoubtedly miss out on this talent pool if jobs are not easily found on websites or other social platforms. It is second nature for millennials to submit their resumes online, given they grew up in an era that completed nearly all school work and testing on computers. Websites should be easily navigated since this newest group to the workforce is not likely to spend time looking for job postings. Creating a “careers” link on the homepage of the company’s website would quickly guide job seekers to the proper information.
Offering professional development opportunities is a great way to get millennials interested in your organization. This generation wants to know (87% of them to be precise) that there is room for advancement and opportunity for improving their skills before they commit to any job offer. They are eager to improve themselves and make a difference through their work. If they realize this is not an option, it won’t be long before they move on and find someone who is willing to invest the time and money needed to help them grow professionally.
Creating a company culture that embodies millennial values will help retain the talent, once you acquire it. Millennials love to be challenged and will quickly bore if given tasks that seem mundane or routine. They also value flexibility, focusing on the quality of the work, not start times and end times. Being acknowledged for work well done is also important to this group of workers, giving them a sense of pride and accomplishment.
Outlining a career roadmap is crucial in retaining these young minds. Given their short attention span when it comes to jobs, creating a plan that incorporates milestones every four to six months and keeping in communication about their progress is critical. It’s important they see the progression in the projects they are a part of and even more importantly for them to know what their career could look like in future years.
Millennial talent acquisition and retention is easy if you know what this group is looking for. Understanding the shift in mindset is the beginning, offering benefits and incentives that align with that mindset is how you can be sure to hold on to this quality talent.