We all experience slumps at work every now and then – this is to be expected. But unless you are actively engaging your employees and proactively addressing their concerns, it will not be long before their work product begins to suffer or they start looking for a new job. Keep these tips to keep morale high and turnover rates low.
When an employee first starts out at a new position, they are usually filled with excitement for the opportunity and are motivated to deliver their best work. But, as we all know, over time this momentum dies down a bit. We fall into a routine that becomes less mentally engaging, and after a while we just start going through the motions.
This is absolutely normal, and nothing that you should be overly concerned about. It is, however, something that you should anticipate and then proactively address. By doing so, you can help keep your employees engaged over time, and reduce the likelihood of burnout or turnover.
Pay attention to your employees’ productivity levels and general temperament. If you start to notice lowered performance levels or increased absences, this is your cue to step in and act before their work quality begins to suffer or they put in their notice.
This is particularly important when it comes to retaining top talent, which should be an ongoing priority. These are the individuals in your company that consistently deliver high quality work and have extensive expertise and experience. These star employees would be very difficult to replace, so make sure that you do not take them for granted.
It is often more difficult to notice when your top performing employees start to become disengaged. They may still be delivering great work, but their heart is no longer in it. If they no longer feel challenged or inspired by their current position, it will not be long before they start looking for another. And, if they are highly qualified, it probably will not take them long to find one.
Luckily, there are some easy things you can do if you want to keep your staff happy and focused.
For starters, conduct “stay interviews” at least every six months. There are a lot of companies that are not familiar with this process. Essentially, a stay interview is a check-in with the employee to understand what aspects they enjoy about their job and what they would like to change. Allow them to talk, and be sure to actively listen. After that, do your best to address their concerns and give them the opportunities they are looking for.
But formally scheduled conversations should not be the only time that you check in with your employees. Reiterate to your staff that they can come to you with questions or concerns – and encourage them to do so regularly.
Another small thing that makes a big difference is taking the time and effort to recognize your employees’ accomplishments. When you publicly acknowledge a job well done, you will not only help an employee feel valued and motivated, but you will demonstrate that you care about your staff and hold them to a high standard.
It is inevitable that your staff will go through periods where they feel unmotivated or disengaged. This is something that should be expected – but it is also something that needs to be addressed. Take the necessary actions to understand how your staff is feeling and look for ways to help them feel heard and appreciated.