Great leaders have a number of qualities that cannot be taught in a classroom. Some, with practice, can be learned over time. In order to improve your leadership abilities, take these tactics to heart and begin practicing them on an everyday basis. Doing so can have a number of positive effects on everyone from the individual team members to the company’s stakeholders.

As an effective leader you need to wear a lot of hats. You need to inspire your staff, provide clear direction, and instill a real sense of purpose. Many managers are able to do one or two of these things, but few are able to do all three. To some extent, these are skills that cannot be taught in the classroom – some can learn them over time, but these individuals are few and far between.

 It is also important to remember that every team – and every team member – is different. A leadership style that effectively motivates one group of people will fall flat with another. For this reason, a truly talented leader has a large emotional IQ, and can tailor his or her leadership style to best match the particular set of employees.

The simple truth is that a great management team benefits all parties. From helping individual employees produce their best work and advance their personal careers, to more efficiently producing better quality work and improving the company’s bottom line. Becoming a better boss is essentially the rising tide that raises all ships.

If you want to improve your leadership skills, keep the following tactics in mind:

Lead by example. You can give the clearest direction in the world. But if your team sees you going against your own advice, there is little chance that they will follow it themselves. Your actions are just as important as your words. You need to demonstrate that you see yourself as a team player and are just as invested in the final product as you expect them to be.

Provide actionable insight. Good communication is probably the most important quality of an effective leader. Your team needs to know exactly what is expected of them, and have a clear understanding of next steps. This includes initial direction for projects, as well as feedback on performance.

Make yourself available. Communication is a two-way street. Half of being a good communicator is being a good listener. This means letting your employees know that they can come to you with any problems or concerns. It means listening to what is said – and also to what is unsaid. It is important to know what is going on with your team, and for your team to know that this is important to you.

Be kind. Being a likeable person can be extremely important when it comes to management roles. Practice empathy and let your employees know that you care about them and are invested in their future. Developing real relationships based on mutual respect can have lasting effects on company culture and morale. And by helping your team members develop their own professional skills, you benefit all parties involved.

Having a strong management team is one of the best investments that a company can make. These individuals can draw out the best qualities of their team members, resulting in a better work atmosphere, higher quality deliverables, and an improved bottom line.