An essential part of being a leader is investing sufficient time and resources in top performers. Investing in your new hires is also absolutely essential. When you hire someone, provide all the necessary tools to make them successful. Although this will entail additional costs, investing in the development of your workforce will help your business in the long run. You will provide employees a runway toward growth.
Start with the best talent and then nurture their skills by providing them opportunities for growth. Those opportunities are part of the investment you make in your employees.
Deciding to invest in your employees is one matter; knowing how to is another matter entirely.
Schedule One-on-one Time
Set aside time every single week to talk to your team or every other week in the case of larger teams. Schedule 30 minutes for each person. During this time, ask them questions, encourage comments, get feedback, and discuss concerns. Respond to their questions. By being efficient with your time, you can ensure that you have time to invest in your employees.
An added benefit of these individual catchups is that your employees will feel that you listen to them. This time will inspire them to share ideas and be creative.
Plan Engagement
No matter the type of business you run or whether your team works in-person or remotely, you need to ensure that they remain engaged. Do not skip engagement because your team works remotely.
Even something as simple as setting aside a few minutes each day can boost the level of engagement. Consider setting up Zoom meetings for improved communication. If people are working in person, consider walking down the hall to talk to team members. Encourage them to do the same.
You could ask your employees to come to you, but this puts a burden on them. Think about how it will impact them. Reduce that impact by making it a habit to seek them out and engage. This also goes back to the one-on-one time you should have with each employee.
Provide Culture Benefits
When most people think of work benefits, they think about 401(k) or insurance. Consider investing in your employees by offering culture benefits. This can come in the form of events for socialization and relaxation or even for networking.
Even when working from home, there are opportunities. For example, you could order a craft kit for all employees who want to participate and learn a new craft together. Another option is to order a meal kit and have a cooking hour. Or you can offer your employees gym memberships for their physical health and optional paid courses to provide learning opportunities to expand their skills.
Other potential culture benefits include flexible hours, additional vacation days, paid parental leave, student loan assistance, free coffee and snacks, or even an on-site gym.
Introduce Them to Others
You should also invest in your employees by introducing them to others. It is common to be concerned that by offering networking opportunities, you may encourage them to leave. However, if you invest in them in other ways, they will want to stay with your company. These networking opportunities will help them grow their connections. As a bonus, it will make it easier to include them in critical strategic initiatives that will benefit the company.
Investing in your employees always pays off in the long run. Be the organization that employees appreciate and want to stick with by using these simple but practical tips.
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