The Role Managers and Mentors Play in Your Career Trajectory

It should come as no surprise that the relationship that you have with your manager is critical to your advancement within the company. This is a relationship that you should be fostering on a daily basis. But it is not about trying to become his or her friend – although that probably would [...]


Become a Better Leader by Receiving Feedback

When most people think about the role of managers they probably think about the need to give feedback and constructive criticism to the individuals that they are managing. The most effective leaders can do this in a way that increases employee morale, encourages individuals to perform at a higher level, and leads [...]


It Is Generation X’s Time to Shine

Baby Boomers are leaving the industry in record numbers while Generation Z and Millennials are quickly entering and moving up the corporate ladder. But why are we not reading anything about Generation X in the workplace?  There is a general assumption that older generations are not as tech-savvy as younger generations. However, [...]


These Three Factors Reduce Turnover Rates

When it comes to things that motivate employees and keep them excited about their day-to-day role and responsibilities there are three factors that are fairly universal. Effective leaders will know how to promote these particular attributes of the job. It will be important for management to keep these factors in mind when [...]


How to Make Social Media Work for You

In today’s digital world networking online is just as important or even more important than networking in person. Social media is like a never-ending networking event. But before you start sending messages and friend requests there are a couple of important considerations you should keep in mind.  For starters, you need to [...]


Avoid These Networking Mistakes Like the Plague (or COVID-19)

Things always tend to be easier when there is no urgency surrounding them and networking is no different. If you are desperate for a new job finding or speaking with a potential connection can nerve-wracking. You are more prone to make mistakes that could cost you the opportunity.  By keeping the following [...]


How to Decrease Burnout and Improve Employee Morale

Employee burnout is experienced across essentially all industries. This is most likely to stem from unfair compensation, working too many hours, or having too many responsibilities. Other contributors include dissatisfaction with management, disengagement with company culture, or a lack of connection with the job position. A recent Gallup study found that two-thirds [...]


Could Your Employees Do More by Doing Less?

You would think that with the seemingly endless technology that is available to us, employees would be so productive that they would be able to accomplish their work in fewer hours. In fact, economist John Maynard Keynes predicted nearly a century ago that his grandchildren would only need to work about 15 [...]


Why do so many employees dread meetings? Because more often than not they are a waste of our precious time. This can mean that employees do not have sufficient opportunity to finish what they need to during their typical work hours and that they must do so on their own time.  There [...]


How to Create an Environment of Optimism in the Workplace

In a time of a global pandemic when so much regarding our work and personal lives is unknown, it can seem impossible to create an environment of positivity. However, it is likely more important than ever. Studies have proven that optimistic leaders i.e., those who instill confidence and hope within their teams see [...]

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